Table of Contents


Hostile/Neutral/Friendly Pirates

As soon as the plugin starts, you'll receive an incoming message. This message will allow you to set your initial relationship with the pirates. Notice that the reputation evolve slowly and you will see from time to time a pirate attacking you no matter your current standing toward the pirate community (it's a game engine limitation). It's sadly a game game engine limitation. This said, don't forget to double check your Friend/Foe settings from to time ;)

You can set your standing to Enemy. Your relation will be set to -50.000 points. All pirate ships except those handled by the Pirate Guild itself will be red. You can try to increase your standing by helping pirates through ECS. Or you can start to hunt PG ships as the police will give you additional money for the destruction of guild members (by any of your ships).

You can set it to Neutral. Your reputation will be set at 0 points. All pirates will be neutral to you. Attacking too much pirates will easily make them angry, though.

And if you want to be a pirate and do not worry about some pirate captures from time to time, set the option to Friendly. You'll get a reputation of 50.000 points. All the pirates will know you as one of them. You will also be automatically set as a member of the Pirate Guild.

Relations with the pirates in this plugin work like this :

| -1.000.000 |  Enemy  | -10.000 |  Neutral  | +10.000 |  Friendly  | +1.000.000 |

When pirates are your enemies, most of the ships (if not all) will be show as red. However, vessels owned by the Guild will stay neutral unless you've also attacked Guild's assets. When they are neutral, you'll find both hostile and friendly pirates. Finally, when they are friendly, most, if not all, pirates will be blue, even those you've attacked earlier may return to a neutral state after a while. You'll loose reputation points by killing pirates, and even more points if the pirate is affiliated to the Pirate Guild. You'll gain points by helping attacked pirate (through the comm. system, see next). Killing targets of the guild will also gives you points (and money). Being a member of the guild also slowly increase your standing, but you'll need at least 1.000 reputation points to join.

Communication System

Communication between the playership and the Pirates is done via the ECS library. Target a pirate ship or a pirate station at less than 8km of your ship and press the keyboard shortcut assigned to the ECS library to comm with it. How the pilot/station will react depend of your guild rank and your general reputation with the pirate faction. The basic communication options allow you to ask a ship for the location of the nearest pirate base, to ask for an escort, to surrender, and more. You're also able to help a pilot when he is attacked by the police or military forces. The ECS system is very important and it is used for all interactions between the player and the plugin, so you'd better get used to it ;)

Getting Started

Game Limitations

There's a few game limitations and side effects of the Pirate Guild plugin you should be aware of.