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ads:language_files:44_english [2010/06/18 09:33]
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-<code xml> 
-<?xml version="​1.0"​ encoding="​UTF-8"​ ?> 
-<​language id="​44">​ 
-<page id="​2008"​ title="​Script Object Commands"​ descr="​0">​ 
- <t id="​830">​ANARKIS_SETDOCKED</​t>​ 
- <t id="​831">​ANARKIS_SELLWARES</​t>​ 
- <t id="​832">​ANARKIS_BUYWARES</​t>​ 
- <t id="​833">​ANARKIS_DEFENSIVEWING</​t>​ 
- <t id="​834">​ANARKIS_ATTACKWING</​t>​ 
- <t id="​835">​ANARKIS_CLEANSECTOR</​t>​ 
- <t id="​836">​ANARKIS_DOCKALL</​t>​ 
- <t id="​1231">​ANARKIS_SETTACTICS</​t>​ 
- <t id="​1232">​ANARKIS_AUTOCARRIER</​t>​ 
- <t id="​1131">​ANARKIS_SETUPSTATION</​t>​ 
- <t id="​1132">​ANARKIS_STATIONDEFENSE</​t>​ 
-<page id="​2010"​ title="​Script Cmd Names" descr="​Long version of commandos. These are the commandos assigned to ships using the commandconsole. Page 2010 and 2011 belong together and hold short and long versions of the same commands"> ​ 
- <t id="​830">​\033RADS:​\033X Homebase Settings</​t>​ 
- <t id="​831">​\033RADS:​\033X Sell wares...</​t>​ 
- <t id="​832">​\033RADS:​\033X Buy ware for carrier...</​t>​ 
- <t id="​833">​\033RADS:​\033X Send Defensive Wing</​t>​ 
- <t id="​834">​\033RADS:​\033X Attack Wing against...</​t>​ 
- <t id="​835">​\033RADS:​\033X Clear Sector</​t>​ 
- <t id="​836">​\033RADS:​\033X Dock all ships</​t>​ 
- <t id="​1231">​\033RADS:​\033X Carrier Setup</​t>​ 
- <t id="​1232">​\033RADS:​\033X Automated Carrier</​t>​ 
- <t id="​1131">​\033RADS:​\033X Setup Defense System</​t>​ 
- <t id="​1132">​\033RADS:​\033X Sector Defense</​t>​ 
-</​page> ​ 
-<page id="​2011"​ title="​Script Cmd Shorts"​ descr="​Short version of commandos. These are the commandos assigned to ships using the commandconsole. Page 2010 and 2011 belong together and hold short and long versions of the same commands"> ​ 
- <t id="​830">​set.homebase</​t>  ​ 
- <t id="​831">​sell.ware</​t>​ 
- <t id="​832">​buy.ware</​t>​ 
- <t id="​833">​defense.wing</​t>​ 
- <t id="​834">​attack.wing</​t>​ 
- <t id="​835">​clean.sector</​t>​ 
- <t id="​836">​dock.ships</​t>​ 
- <t id="​1131">​set.defense</​t>​ 
- <t id="​1132">​auto.station</​t>​ 
- <t id="​1231">​set.tactics</​t>​ 
- <t id="​1232">​auto.carrier</​t>​ 
-</​page> ​ 
-<page id="​2022"> ​ 
- <t id="​830">​Allow to selected homebase settings for the docked ships at this carrier. Ships will be renamed and missile settings applied.</​t>  ​ 
- <t id="​831">​Send multiple ships to sell wares from the carrier</​t>​ 
- <t id="​832">​Send multiple ships to buy a given amount of a ware to the nearest factory</​t>​ 
- <t id="​833">​Send a squadron to defend your carrier or another ship</​t>​ 
- <t id="​834">​Send a squadron to attack a ship or a factory</​t>​ 
- <t id="​835">​Clean the sector from all enemy activity</​t>​ 
- <t id="​836">​All ships with this homebase assigned will dock here. Distant jumpdrive equipped ships will try to jump to the carrier.</​t>​ 
- <t id="​1131">​Setup Anarkis Defense Station on this station.</​t>​ 
- <t id="​1132">​Enable a defensive mode for the station, it will send ships against incomings and repair its docked ships over time</​t>​ 
- <t id="​1231">​This command will allow you to setup both your docked ships and the carrier in automated mode.</​t>​ 
- <t id="​1232">​Automated Mode. The carrier will defend itself and send ships when needed.</​t>​ 
-</​page> ​ 
-<page id="​8510"​ title="​ACC"​ descr="​Anarkis Command Carrier">​ 
- <t id="​100">​\033RADS:​\033X Anarkis Defense System</​t>​ 
- <t id="​101">​255</​t>​ 
- <t id="​102">​Anarkis Federation</​t>​ 
- <t id="​103">​[author][b]Anarkis Federation[/​b][/​author][b]Anarkis Defense System[/b] v%s succesfully installed ! </t> 
- <t id="​104">​[author][b]Anarkis Federation[/​b][/​author][b]Anarkis Defense System[/b] succesfully upgraded to v%s !</t> 
- <t id="​105">​[author][b]ADS - %s[/​b][/​author] You cannot use this command on your playership.</​t>​ 
- <t id="​106">​[author][b]Anarkis Federation[/​b][/​author][b]Anarkis Defense System[/b] has been removed from the game.\nPlease save your game now, exit and run the '​uninstall acc.bat'​ file in your X3 folder.</​t>​ 
- <t id="​200">​Anarkis Carrier Menu</​t>​ 
- <t id="​210">​General</​t>​ 
- <t id="​211">​Hangars ...</​t>​ 
- <t id="​212">​Automated Carriers Report</​t>​ 
- <t id="​213">​Missile Usage  \033R&​lt;​\033X \033Y%s\033X \033R&​gt;​\033X</​t>​ 
- <t id="​214">​Emergency Jump  \033R&​lt;​\033X \033Y%s\033X \033R&​gt;​\033X - Shield Limit  \033R&​lt;​\033X \033Y%s\033X \033R&​gt;​\033X</​t>​ 
- <t id="​215">​Autojump ​ \033R&​lt;​\033X \033Y%s\033X \033R&​gt;​\033X - Minimum Range  \033R&​lt;​\033X \033Y%s\033X \033R&​gt;​\033X</​t>​ 
- <t id="​216">​Fuel Resupply Quantity \(jumps\) ​ \033R&​lt;​\033X \033Y%s\033X \033R&​gt;​\033X</​t>​ 
- <t id="​217">​Setup docked ships</​t>​ 
- <t id="​220">​Automated Carrier Setup</​t>​ 
- <t id="​221">​Minimal Threat Level  \033R&​lt;​\033X \033Y%s\033X \033R&​gt;​\033X</​t>​ 
- <t id="​222">​Display Warning Message ​ \033R&​lt;​\033X \033Y%s\033X \033R&​gt;​\033X</​t>​ 
- <t id="​223">​Force Damaged Ships to Retreat ​ \033R&​lt;​\033X \033Y%s\033X \033R&​gt;​\033X</​t>​ 
- <t id="​224">​Attack Mode  \033R&​lt;​\033X \033Y%s\033X \033R&​gt;​\033X</​t>​ 
- <t id="​225">​Defence Ship Count  \033R&​lt;​\033X \033Y%s\033X \033R&​gt;​\033X</​t>​ 
- <t id="​226">​Radar Range  \033R&​lt;​\033X \033Y%s\033X \033R&​gt;​\033X</​t>​ 
- <t id="​227">​Ignore Factions ​ \033R&​lt;​\033X \033Y%s\033X \033R&​gt;​\033X</​t>​ 
- <t id="​228">​Verbose</​t>​ 
- <t id="​229">​Warning Type  \033R&​lt;​\033X \033Y%s\033X \033R&​gt;​\033X</​t>​ 
-  ​ 
- <t id="​230">​ADS Plugin Settings</​t>​ 
- <t id="​231">​Apply settings on \033Yall\033X docked ships</​t>​ 
- <t id="​232">​Reset Settings to Default Values</​t>​ 
- <t id="​233">​Subtitles</​t>​ 
- <t id="​234">​Audio</​t>​ 
- <t id="​235">​Popup</​t>​ 
- <t id="​236">​Debug Logfile Output ​ \033R&​lt;​\033X \033Y%s\033X \033R&​gt;​\033X</​t>​ 
- <t id="​237">​Apply settings on \033Yactive\033X docked ships only</​t>​ 
- <t id="​238">​Delay before docking deployed fighters ​ \033R&​lt;​\033X \033Y%s sec\033X \033R&​gt;​\033X</​t>​ 
- <t id="​240">​Carrier Management</​t>​ 
- <t id="​241">​Automated Carrier ...</​t>​ 
- <t id="​242">​Repair Bays ...</​t>​ 
- <t id="​243">​Ship Supplies ...</​t>​ 
- <t id="​244">​Turret Settings : \033Y%s\033X</​t>​ 
- <t id="​245">​Protect Ship</​t>​ 
- <t id="​246">​Attack Enemies</​t>​ 
- <t id="​247">​Missile Defence</​t>​ 
- <t id="​248">​\033RMARS:​\033X Offense</​t>​ 
- <t id="​249">​\033RMARS:​\033X Defense</​t>​ 
- <t id="​201">​Enabled</​t>​ 
- <t id="​202">​Disabled</​t>​ 
- <t id="​203">​Yes</​t>​ 
- <t id="​204">​No</​t>​ 
- <t id="​205">​Default</​t>​ 
- <t id="​206">​Auto Select</​t>​ 
- <t id="​207">​Strongest First</​t>​ 
- <t id="​208">​Nearest First</​t>​ 
- <t id="​209">​None</​t>​ 
- <t id="​250">​Carrier : \033Y%s\033X [%s]</​t>​ 
- <t id="​251">​Location : \033Y%s\033X</​t>​ 
- <t id="​252">​Docked : %s/%s - Owned : %s</​t>​ 
- <t id="​260">​© Serial Kicked / [\033YAnarkis Federation\033X]</​t>​ 
- <t id="​300">​Select the amount of ship used for defence purpose</​t>​ 
- <t id="​301">​Targeting Setup</​t>​ 
- <t id="​302">​Select how attack ships will target enemy ships</​t>​ 
- <t id="​303">​Force damaged ships to retreat ?</t> 
- <t id="​304">​Display a warning message when the carrier is in danger ?</t> 
- <t id="​305">​This menu allow you to choose what is the minimum threat level that trigger a launch of fighters. To understand how the level system work, you'll need to know the "​threat"​ values used for each kind of ship and you should also know that the carrier will always send ships if an enemy M1/M2 ship is spotted. Fighter drones are ignored.</​t>​ 
- <t id="​306">​M5:​ 1 - M4: 2  - M3: 5 - M8: 10 - M6: 14 - M7: 35\nTL: 15 - TM: 8 - TP/TS: 2\n\n\n\n</​t>​ 
- <t id="​307">​Minimum Threat Level</​t>​ 
- <t id="​308">​Select the fuel resupply quantity in jumps</​t>​ 
- <t id="​309">​Do you want to enabled the autojump feature on docked ships ?</t> 
- <t id="​310">​Set the autojump minimum range</​t>​ 
- <t id="​311">​Do you want to enabled the emergency jump feature on docked ships ?</t> 
- <t id="​312">​Set the emergency shield threshold in percent</​t>​ 
- <t id="​313">​Set the missile usage in percent</​t>​ 
- <t id="​314">​Select a new radar range in meters</​t>​ 
- <t id="​315">​Select the new delay in seconds</​t>​ 
- <t id="​400">​Mechanics</​t>​ 
- <t id="​401">​You can use mechanics to repair damaged fighters in the carrier. You can hire mechanics for a cost in any friendly sector. When off duty they will cost you about 1000 credits per hour and per mechanic, and much more when repairing a ship. The more mechanics you have, they faster your ships will be repaired.\n\nCurrent off-duty cost : \033Y%s credits per hour\033X\nCurrent on-duty cost : \033Y%s credits per hour\033X\n\n\n\n</​t>​ 
- <t id="​402">​You currently have : \033Y%s\033X mechanics (off duty cost : \033Y%s\033X credits per hour)</​t>​ 
- <t id="​403">​Settings</​t>​ 
- <t id="​404">​Allow to repair docked ships  \033R&​lt;​\033X \033Y%s\033X \033R&​gt;​\033X</​t>​ 
- <t id="​405">​Allow to repair the carrier ​ \033R&​lt;​\033X \033Y%s\033X \033R&​gt;​\033X</​t>​ 
- <t id="​406">​Management : \033Y%s mechanics\033X</​t>​ 
- <t id="​407">​Hire new mechanics</​t>​ 
- <t id="​408">​Fire mechanics</​t>​ 
- <t id="​409">​Damaged Ships</​t>​ 
- <t id="​410"> ​ [%s] \033Y%s\033X - hull : %s/​100</​t>​ 
- <t id="​411">​To hire a new mechanic will cost you 50.000 credits. Are you sure ?</t> 
- <t id="​412">​You do not have enough money to hire a new mechanic.</​t>​ 
- <t id="​413">​You need a friendly Trading Station in the carrier current sector.</​t>​ 
- <t id="​420">​Hangar Management</​t>​ 
- <t id="​421">​Select the ships you want to be used by ACC commands</​t>​ 
- <t id="​422">​Docked Ship List</​t>​ 
- <t id="​423">​General Commands</​t>​ 
- <t id="​424">​Apply homebase to all docked ships</​t>​ 
- <t id="​425">​Management</​t>​ 
- <t id="​426">​Add all ships</​t>​ 
- <t id="​427">​Add M3 and M4 ships only</​t>​ 
- <t id="​428">​Add M3 ships only</​t>​ 
- <t id="​429">​Remove all ships</​t>​ 
- <t id="​430"> ​ [%s] \033Y%s\033X - %s</​t>​ 
- <t id="​431">​\033GActive\033X</​t>​ 
- <t id="​432">​\033RInactive\033X</​t>​ 
- <t id="​433">​\033YUnder Repairs\033X</​t>​ 
- <t id="​434">​Rename docked ships</​t>​ 
- <t id="​435">​Apply homebase to active ships only</​t>​ 
- <t id="​440">​Ship Supplies</​t>​ 
- <t id="​441">​This is where you can move cargo between your carrier and its docked ships\n\n\n</​t>​ 
- <t id="​442">​Standard Actions</​t>​ 
- <t id="​443">​Move wares from the carrier to docked ships</​t>​ 
- <t id="​444">​Unload wares to the carrier</​t>​ 
- <t id="​445">​Advanced</​t>​ 
- <t id="​446">​Allow carrier to buy back destroyed fighters ​ \033R&​lt;​\033X \033Y%s\033X \033R&​gt;​\033X</​t>​ 
- <t id="​447">​Allow carrier to repair at SY  \033R&​lt;​\033X \033Y%s\033X \033R&​gt;​\033X</​t>​ 
- <t id="​448">​Allow carrier to keep ships supplied \033R&​lt;​\033X \033Y%s\033X \033R&​gt;​\033X</​t>​ 
- <t id="​449">​This menu allows to move wares from your docked ships to the carrier.</​t>​ 
- <t id="​450">​\033YUnload :\033X %s</​t>​ 
- <t id="​451">​Trade wares only [except energy cells]</​t>​ 
- <t id="​452">​Trade wares only [including energy cells]</​t>​ 
- <t id="​453">​Missiles</​t>​ 
- <t id="​454">​Everything not equipped</​t>​ 
- <t id="​455">​\033YFrom :\033X %s</​t>​ 
- <t id="​456">​Active ships only</​t>​ 
- <t id="​457">​All docked ships</​t>​ 
- <t id="​458">​\033YValidate\033X</​t>​ 
- <t id="​459">​Confirm Action</​t>​ 
- <t id="​460">​Ignored Factions</​t>​ 
- <t id="​461">​Manage</​t>​ 
- <t id="​462">​Clear whole list</​t>​ 
- <t id="​463">​Add a faction to the list</​t>​ 
- <t id="​464">​\033Y%s\033X - remove</​t>​ 
- <t id="​465">​Select a faction to ignore</​t>​ 
- <t id="​480">​Rename Ships</​t>​ 
- <t id="​481">​ShipType Class - Number</​t>​ 
- <t id="​482">​CarrierName - ShipType - Number</​t>​ 
- <t id="​483">​BuilderRace Class - Number</​t>​ 
- <t id="​484">​Allows to mass rename your docked ships.</​t>​ 
- <t id="​485">​Setup</​t>​ 
- <t id="​486">​Apply to all docked ships</​t>​ 
- <t id="​487">​Apply to all active ships</​t>​ 
- <t id="​488">​\033YSelected : \033X%s</​t>​ 
- <t id="​489">​\033YExample : \033X%s</​t>​ 
- <t id="​500">​[author][b]Anarkis Carrier Commands[/​b][/​author] [b]Warning:​[/​b] Your [b]%s[/b] in sector [b]%s[/b] is in danger and could request your attention.</​t>​ 
- <t id="​501">​[author][b]Anarkis Carrier Commands[/​b][/​author] [b]Canceled:​[/​b] You don't have enough ships in %s for this command</​t>​ 
- <t id="​502">​[author][b]Anarkis Carrier Commands[/​b][/​author] [b]Canceled:​[/​b] You don't have enough ships in %s to clean a sector. At least 5 are needed.</​t>​ 
- <t id="​503">​[author][b]Anarkis Carrier Commands[/​b][/​author] [b]Error:​[/​b] Not enough wares in cargo bay to equip any ship.</​t>​ 
- <t id="​504">​[author][b]Anarkis Carrier Commands[/​b][/​author] [b]Success:​[/​b] %s has equiped %s/%s ships with %s %s.</​t>​ 
- <t id="​505">​[author][b]Anarkis Carrier Commands[/​b][/​author] [b]Canceled:​[/​b] %s - No station in range has enough %s.</​t>​ 
- <t id="​506">​\033RALERT:​\033X \033W%s in sector %s needs help !\033X</​t>​ 
- <t id="​520">​Equip Ships</​t>​ 
- <t id="​521">​\033YWares\033X</​t>​ 
- <t id="​522">&​lt;​ \033Yadd a new ware\033X &​gt;</​t>​ 
- <t id="​523">​\033W%s\033X [quantity: %s]  &​lt;​\033Rremove\033X&​gt;</​t>​ 
- <t id="​524">​\033YMode :\033X %s</​t>​ 
- <t id="​525">​Same quantity to all ships [$quantity = max value]</​t>​ 
- <t id="​526">​At least $quantity wares to each ship</​t>​ 
- <t id="​527">​\033YDestination :\033X %s</​t>​ 
- <t id="​528">​Docked ships</​t>​ 
- <t id="​529">​Active ships</​t>​ 
- <t id="​530">​\033YValidate\033X</​t>​ 
- <t id="​531">​Confirm Action</​t>​ 
- <t id="​532">​Select the ware you want to move</​t>​ 
- <t id="​533">​Select the quantity</​t>​ 
- <t id="​540">​Transfert Report</​t>​ 
- <t id="​541">​Wares transfered</​t>​ 
- <t id="​542">​\033W%s %s\033X transfered to \033Y%s\033X</​t>​ 
- <t id="​543">​\033W%s %s\033X unloaded from \033Y%s\033X</​t>​ 
- <t id="​600">​\033RADS:​\033X Clear Sector</​t>​ 
- <t id="​601">​\033RADS:​\033X Dock all my ships</​t>​ 
- <t id="​602">​\033RADS:​\033X Attack My Target</​t>​ 
- <t id="​603">​\033RADS\033X \033WManager\033W</​t>​ 
- <t id="​640">​\033RADS:​\033X Sell Wares</​t>​ 
- <t id="​641">​Selected Wares</​t>​ 
- <t id="​642">​Quick Select</​t>​ 
- <t id="​643">​Clear the List</​t>​ 
- <t id="​644">​Add all trading wares</​t>​ 
- <t id="​645">​Begin Transfert</​t>​ 
- <t id="​646">&​lt;​ \033Yadd a new ware\033X &​gt;</​t>​ 
- <t id="​647">​Settings</​t>​ 
- <t id="​648">​Maximum Distance \033R&​lt;​\033X \033Y%s sectors\033X \033R&​gt;​\033X</​t>​ 
- <t id="​649">​This command allows your carrier to sell its wares to the stations around using its docked ships. There is no check for enemy sectors so set your range carefully.\n\n\n\n</​t>​ 
- <t id="​650">​\033W%s\033X - Amount: \033W%s\033X ​ &​lt;​\033Yremove\033X&​gt;</​t>​ 
- <t id="​651">​Select new jump range</​t>​ 
- <t id="​652">​Select a ware to be added</​t>​ 
- <t id="​653">​\033R[ADS]\033X \033Y%s\033X sells \033Y%s\033X to \033Y%s\033X</​t> ​ 
- <t id="​654">​\033R[ADS]\033X No station buying \033Y%s\033X</​t> ​ 
- <t id="​655">​\033R[ADS]\033X No ship able to load \033Y%s\033X</​t>​ 
- <t id="​656">​\033R[ADS]\033X No station selling \033Y%s\033X in range</​t> ​ 
- <t id="​657">​\033RADS:​\033X Buy Wares</​t>​ 
- <t id="​658">​This command allows your carrier to buy wares from the stations around using its docked ships. There is no check for enemy sectors so set your range carefully.\n\n\n\n</​t>​ 
- <t id="​659">​Proceed</​t>​ 
- <t id="​660">​\033W%s\033X - Quantity: \033W%s\033X ​ &​lt;​\033Yremove\033X&​gt;</​t>​ 
- <t id="​661">​\033R[ADS]\033X \033Y%s\033X buy \033Y%s %s\033X at \033Y%s\033X</​t> ​ 
- <t id="​662">​Select the wanted amount</​t>​ 
- <t id="​663">​Add all missile types</​t>​ 
- <t id="​700">​\033R[ADS]\033X \033WWing %s: \033X %s &​lt;​%s&​gt;</​t> ​ 
- <t id="​702">​\033R[ADS]\033X %s - \033WRetreating...\033X</​t>​ 
- <t id="​703">​\033R[ADS]\033X %s</​t>​ 
- <t id="​710">​\033YLeader\033X</​t>​ 
- <t id="​711">​Wingmate</​t>​ 
- <t id="​712">​\033GEscort\033X</​t>​ 
- <t id="​713">​\033WNo Target\033X</​t>​ 
- <t id="​714">​\033R%s\033X</​t>​ 
- <t id="​715">​\033B%s\033X</​t>​ 
- <t id="​800">​Automated Carriers Report</​t>​ 
- <t id="​801">​\033WSelected : \033X %s [%s]</​t>​ 
- <t id="​802">​\033WOrders : \033X %s - \033WAutomated :\033X %s</​t>​ 
- <t id="​803">​Selection</​t>​ 
- <t id="​804">​\033Y%s\033X [\033Y%s\033X] - Sector : \033Y%s\033X</​t>​ 
- <t id="​805">​\033WLocation : \033X %s [%s]</​t>​ 
- <t id="​806">​Actions</​t>​ 
- <t id="​807">​Setup selected carrier</​t>​ 
- <t id="​808">​Apply current settings to all carriers</​t>​ 
- <t id="​820">​\033GYes\033X</​t>​ 
- <t id="​821">​\033RNo\033X</​t>​ 
- <t id="​1000">​ADS Setup Menu</​t>​ 
- <t id="​1001">​\033YSelected :\033X %s</​t>​ 
- <t id="​1002">​Manage Stations</​t>​ 
- <t id="​1003">​Manage Carriers</​t>​ 
- <t id="​1004">​\033YMenu\033X</​t>​ 
- <t id="​1005">​List ADS %ss</​t>​ 
- <t id="​1006">​Recent Events</​t>​ 
- <t id="​1007">​\033RUninstall ADS\033X</​t>​ 
- <t id="​1008">​Apply default settings to all %ss</​t>​ 
- <t id="​1009">​\033Y[\033X\033G%s\033X\033Y]\033X \033W%s\033X | auto: \033W%s\033X | ADS figthers: \033W%s\033X</​t>​ 
- <t id="​1010">​\033RADS Manager\033X</​t>​ 
- <t id="​1011">​This menu gives you access to all \033YADS compatible\033X assets</​t>​ 
- <t id="​1012">​\033Y[\033X\033G%s\033X\033Y]\033X \033W%s\033X</​t>​ 
- <t id="​1013">​- \033GIntegrity:​\033X Hull \033Y%s/​100\033X - Shields \033Y%s/​100\033X</​t>​ 
- <t id="​1014">​- \033GStatus:​\033X \033W%s\033X - \033Y%s\033X</​t>​ 
- <t id="​1015">​- \033GCombat:​\033X threat level \033Y%s\033X - attacked \033Y%s\033X - deployed \033Y%s\033X</​t>​ 
- <t id="​1016">​- \033GFighters:​\033X ​ owned \033Y%s\033X - docked \033Y%s\033X - ADS \033Y%s\033X</​t>​ 
- <t id="​1017">​\033Y%s List\033X</​t>​ 
- <t id="​1018">​ADS Automated Mode  \033Y&​lt;​\033X \033W%s\033X \033Y&​gt;​\033X</​t>​ 
- <t id="​1019">​Open Setup Menu for this %s</​t>​ 
- <t id="​1020">​\033Y[\033X\033G%s\033X\033Y]\033X \033G%s\033X | auto: \033W%s\033X | ADS figthers: \033W%s\033X</​t>​ 
- <t id="​1021">​\033Y[\033X\033G%s\033X\033Y]\033X \033Y%s\033X | auto: \033W%s\033X | ADS figthers: \033W%s\033X</​t>​ 
- <t id="​1022">​\033Y[\033X\033G%s\033X\033Y]\033X \033R%s\033X | auto: \033W%s\033X | ADS figthers: \033W%s\033X</​t>​ 
- <t id="​1023">​\033G ​  Jump to Me</​t>​ 
- <t id="​1024">​\033G ​  Jump to Sector ...\033X</​t>​ 
- <t id="​1025">​\033G ​  ​Attack Target ...\033X</​t>​ 
- <t id="​1026">​Select Destination</​t>​ 
- <t id="​1027">​Select Target</​t>​ 
- <t id="​1028">​\033G ​  ​Patrol Sectors\033X</​t>​ 
- <t id="​1029">​\033G ​  ​Attack All\033X</​t>​ 
- <t id="​1030">​Select in crosshair and close</​t>​ 
- <t id="​1031">​%s deployed fighters in %s</​t>​ 
- <t id="​1032">​\033WReport From :\033X %s | \033WClass :\033X %s\n\033WLocation :\033X %s | \033WThreat Level :\033X %s\n\n\033WAction :\033X Fighters Launched</​t>​ 
- <t id="​1033">​\033G ​  Dock at ...\033X</​t>​ 
- <t id="​1034">​\033WCommand Panel\033X ​ \033Y&​lt;​\033G+\033X\033Y&​gt;​\033X</​t>​ 
- <t id="​1035">​View owned ships</​t>​ 
- <t id="​1036">​\033G ​  ​Protect ...\033X</​t>​ 
- <t id="​1037">​\033G ​  ​Standby\033X</​t>​ 
- <t id="​1038">​\033WCommand Panel\033X ​ \033Y&​lt;​\033G-\033X\033Y&​gt;​\033X</​t>​ 
- <t id="​1039">​\033G ​  ​%s\033G</​t>​ 
- <t id="​1040">​\033RADS:​\033X \033WManager\033X</​t>​ 
- <t id="​1041">​\033W%s\033X ​ \033G[\033X%s\033G]\033X ​ \033G[\033X \033Whull\033X %s%% \033G|\033X \033Wshield\033X %s%% \033G]\033X</​t>​ 
- <t id="​1044">​\033Y%s\033X ​ \033G[\033X%s\033G]\033X ​ \033G[\033X \033Whull\033X %s%% \033G|\033X \033Wshield\033X %s%% \033G]\033X</​t>​ 
- <t id="​1042">​Flying</​t>​ 
- <t id="​1043">​Docked</​t>​ 
ads/language_files/44_english.txt · Last modified: 2014/04/26 13:39 (external edit)