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start [2012/07/08 08:37]
start [2019/04/10 05:57] (current)
serialkicked [Our Games]
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 +====== Anarkis Gaming Wiki ====== 
 +Anarkis Gaming is an indie development studio located in France, we released [[https://​​unending-galaxy-info/​|Unending Galaxy]] in 2016, a fairly unique space trading and 4X game. We're formerly known as the Anarkis Federation modding station, one of the major contributors to the X-Universe modding scene (X2: The Threat, ​[[http://​​x3/​info_en.php|X3:​ Reunion]], [[http://​​games/​x3tc/​info_en.php|X3:​ Terran Conflict]] and [[http://​​games/​x3ap/​info_en.php|X3:​ Albion Prelude]]). You are currently browsing the documentation center of our website where you'll find user manuals and general information about our games and mods, welcome! 
 +===== Latest News ===== 
 +{{rss>​https://​​feed=rss2 5 date 24h }} 
 +===== Our Games ===== 
 +  * [[GRA:​|Grand Rogue Auto]] - GTA Themed roguelike game. **[discontinued]**  
 +  * [[UG:​|Unending Galaxy]] - Space Exploration / Building / 4X project **[released]** 
 +  * [[ATC:​|After the Collapse]] - Post-Apocalyptic Base Building Game **[in development]** 
 +  * [[UGS:|To Be Determined]] - Roguelite SHMUP **[in pre-development]** 
 +===== X-Universe Modding ===== 
 +  * [[Help:​Installation Guide]] for my scripts and plugins 
 +  * Installing several mods using the [[http://​​viewtopic.php?​t=279717|False Patch]] method (X3) 
 +  * [[http://​​viewtopic.php?​t=218655|Opening the Script Editor]] in X3 
 +  * [[http://​​downloads/​|Download my plugins and scripts]] 
 +==== Documentation for my X3:TC and X3:AP plugins ==== 
 +  * [[ADS:​|Anarkis Defense System]] 
 +  * [[ECS:​|Extended Communication System]] 
 +  * [[PG3:​|Pirate Guild 3]]: Dynamic AI and Guild System 
 +  * [[YA2:|Yaki Armada 2]]: Nomadic Pirate Tribes 
 +  * [[WAR:|War Plugin]] 
 +==== Documentation for my X3:Reunion plugins ==== 
 +  * [[ACC:​|Anarkis Carrier Commands]] 
 +  * [[PG2:​|Pirate Guild 2]]: Intelligent Pirate Behaviours 
 +  * [[YA:|Yaki Armada]]: Nomadic Pirate Tribes 
 +==== Misc Technical Stuff ==== 
 +  * [[Tech:​Compatibility Info]] - All about command slots, pageid, variables and tasks used by my plugins 
 +  * [[Help:​Using Signals]] - Small tutorial (incomplete) on signals (X3:TC+) 
 +==== Technical discussions on EgoBoards ==== 
 +  * [[http://​​viewtopic.php?​t=244436|Interesting discussion on OOS Combat]] 
 +  * [[http://​​viewtopic.php?​t=268932|RTS Approach in X3:TC - Part 1]] 
 +  * [[http://​​viewtopic.php?​t=269811|RTS Approach in X3:TC - Part 2]] 
 +  * [[http://​​viewtopic.php?​t=260355|How to reduce CPU usage using jobfiles]] 
 +  * [[http://​​viewtopic.php?​p=3335324#​3335324|**Modified** Tag]] 
 +  * [[http://​​viewtopic.php?​t=282890|Discussion 0m/s seta lag IS combat freezes]] 
 +  * [[http://​​viewtopic.php?​t=285995|Sector Takeover and locking discussion]]
start.1341729469.txt.gz · Last modified: 2014/04/26 12:48 (external edit)