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This is an old revision of the document!

Here's the few development arcs for ADS

Improved Standard Commands

Attack Wing

Instead of the single “quantity” setting it should display a setup window looking more or less like this

Detailed Target Information
Launch Attack Wing
Cancel Strike
Class Choose between Actives, Fighters, Big Ship if available
Quantity Default value set dynamically by ADS, can be changed by player
Ship List
Optional List for manual selection

Defensive Wing

Same as Attack Wing, a menu should be added:

Detailed Target Information
Class Choose between Actives, Fighters, Big Ship if available
Quantity Default value set dynamically by ADS, can be changed by player
Ship List
Optional List for manual selection

Buy / Sell orders

the Buy and Sell logics use too much ships. A quick save/restore settings could be helpful here

ADS Manager

More commands should be added (including everything ADS related) to the ADS manager. Fighter manager UI has to be improved. All ship class should be accessible as an option.

Specific Manager only commands could be added, the main advantage about that is that they won't use a command slot.

Docked Ship Management

The Setup Carrier screen is outdated and should be merged with the ADS Manager. The fighter list should be more informative, and gives access to ship manager for the selected ship.

Optional Currently Selected Ship
Change Status <current>
Open Control Panel
Main Menu
Rename Ships
Change Homebase Settings
Setup Docked Ships
Docked Ship List
[Hull+Shield] Name (Class) - Status
Away Ship List
[Location] [Hull+Shield] Name (Class) - Orders - Status

The Active / Inactive tag should be replaced by something more flexible:

  • Inactive - The ship is never used by ADS
  • Trader - Used for manual Buy and Sell commands
  • Fighter - Used for manual Attack and Defend commands
  • Active - This ship can always be used by ADS
ads/future_changes.1277036849.txt.gz · Last modified: 2014/04/26 12:55 (external edit)