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gra:legal_system [2011/03/15 21:07]
gra:legal_system [2012/07/11 23:36]
serialkicked [Loitering in a Private Area]
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 ===== Killing People ===== ===== Killing People =====
-The main law in the city is that killing people bad. Successfully shooting at (or killing) a cop or civilian will raise your Alert Level. However attacking gang members won't raise it. So it may be a good idea to attack them first to collect some free loot. +The main law in the city is that killing people ​is a bad thing. Successfully shooting at (or killing) a cop or civilian will raise your Alert Level. However attacking gang members won't raise it. So it may be a good idea to attack them first to collect some free loot. 
 ===== Stealing Stuff ===== ===== Stealing Stuff =====
-Robbing shops is highly illegal, failed attempts at [[gra:​Lockpicking]] or [[gra:​Pickpocketing]] may result in your Alert Level being raised. Also, most citizen don't like when you are stealing their stuff just in front on them.+Robbing shops is highly illegal, failed attempts at [[gra:​Lockpicking]] or [[gra:​Pickpocketing]] may result in your Alert Level being raised. Also, most citizen don't like when you are stealing their stuff just in front on them. Also raising an alarm by failing at picking a lock may trigger a nearby cop to inspect the location. 
 +===== Loitering in a Private Area ===== 
 +In the current build (0.6.7) this is not fully implemented. However, staying is a private area, if detected by a NPC will trigger an alarm. Guards who are on site will attack you. And the owner of the place may call in reinforcements (cops for civilians, thugs for gangs, and so on). 
gra/legal_system.txt · Last modified: 2014/04/26 13:25 (external edit)