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pg3:start [2014/04/26 18:16]
pg3:start [2014/04/28 03:19] (current)
serialkicked [Documentation]
Line 42: Line 42:
   * [[PG3:​Pirate Guild AI]] - Describe the Guild'​s decision logic   * [[PG3:​Pirate Guild AI]] - Describe the Guild'​s decision logic
   * [[PG3:FAQ]] - Frequently Asked Questions ​   * [[PG3:FAQ]] - Frequently Asked Questions ​
-  * [[http://​​downloads/​|Download Link]] +  * [[http://​​downloads/​|Download Link]] 
-  * [[http://​​credits/​|Credits]]+  * [[http://​​credits/​|Credits]]
   * [[http://​​viewtopic.php?​t=244949|Official Egosoft Board Topic]]   * [[http://​​viewtopic.php?​t=244949|Official Egosoft Board Topic]]
   * [[http://​​viewtopic.php?​t=282442|1.6x Development Topic]]   * [[http://​​viewtopic.php?​t=282442|1.6x Development Topic]]
pg3/start.txt · Last modified: 2014/04/28 03:19 by serialkicked