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Yaki Armada : Technical Details

Installation Details

The installation procedure is easy. This Artificial Life plugin needs the “ECS: Extended Communication System” library installed to enable communication between the player and the Yaki ships and mobile bases. If you haven't the ECS installed, please proceed to its installation first. This done, please follow this guidelines :

  1. Extract all files from the archive to you X3 Reunion installation folder
  2. Run X3 and load your savegame
  3. If you haven't activated the Script Editor yet do this (otherwise skip to 7)
  4. - Activate it (Rename your player name to “ Thereshallbewings ” (notice the big 'T' and the 2 small 'L')
  5. - Save your Game
  6. - Reload your Game
  7. Go in the Artificial Life setting menu ( [Esc] / General )
  8. Locate “Yaki Armada : Nomadic Pirate Tribes” and set it to TRUE

Upgrade From a Previous Version

Upgrade procedure from a version to another may vary. Usually all you will need to do is to copy the files from the archive to the X3 Reunion folder and load your savegame as usual. But if you notice any glitch, please do the following :

  1. Go in the Artificial Life setting menu ( [Esc] / General )
  2. Locate “Yaki Armada : Nomadic Pirate Tribes” and set it to FALSE
  3. Wait 1 or 2 minutes
  4. Save and reload your savegame
  5. Go back to the AL setting menu and set Yaki Armada to TRUE

Uninstall Details

Follow these simple steps to uninstall the script (or before uninstalling the script using XScript Installer) :

  1. Load your savegame
  2. Go in the Artificial Life setting menu ( [Esc] / General )
  3. Locate “Yaki Armada : Nomadic Pirate Tribes” and set it to FALSE
  4. Wait 1 or 2 minutes
  5. Save and quit the game
  6. Delete files of this archive from the script folder (optional)


The Yaki Armada plugin should be compatible with any other script or plugin. It should also works with most mods (except if the mod doesn't include any Yaki owned sector in its map, or if the “mobile pirate base” model / game object is removed). Do not report issues with other mods or scripts, if such mods/scripts exists, I won't adapt the Yaki Armada plugin for them. By the way, you don't need to start a new game to play with this plugin.

ya/technical_details.txt · Last modified: 2014/04/26 13:26 (external edit)