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Standard Commands

Once you've installed a Carrier Command Software on your carrier, ADS will add a lot of very useful commands to your carrier in the General command menu. You can also access to those commands through the ADS Manager.

ADS: Sell Wares

Orders docked fighters (or ts/tp in mods) to sell wares from the carrier to the factories in range, ships will use the jumpdrive if needed. Notice that there's no check for hostile sector between you and the destination, so be careful while setting the maximum distance, you can also setup your ships so they will use the jump drive no matter the distance.

ADS: Buy Wares

Orders docked fighters (or ts/tp in mods) to buy a given amount of a ware to the nearest factory, ships will use the jumpdrive if needed. The fighters will try to get the best deal in range and may go to different factories to get the sum you're asking for. Notice that there's no check for hostile sector between you and the destination, so be careful while setting the maximum distance, you can also setup your ships so they will use the jump drive no matter the distance.

ADS: Dock All Ships

This command will order all the ships of this carrier to return home immediately. Ships with a jumpdrive and correct settings will try to jump back when in a distant sector. Ships with a transporter device at less than 5km of the carrier will be beamed in immediately. If this command is issued when your fighters are in a fight, they will quit the battle and try to ignore enemy fire.

ADS: Send Defensive Wing

This command will send a wing to protect the selected object from enemies. Works for both ships and stations. You can use this command to either protect your own ships or escort NPC ships. Notice the fighters will use a custom “protect” script which is more efficient than the default one, they will stay at a relatively good distance of the object to protect to avoid collisions and they will engage enemies in range before those enemies attack the target.

ADS: Send Offensive Wing

This command will send a wing to attack the selected target. When the target has been dealt with, they will go back to the carrier. Damaged fighters will try to return home according to your settings.

ADS: Clear Sector

The carrier will launch all his ships in wings and clear the sector from enemies. Damaged ships will automatically try to dock back to the carrier according to the carrier's settings.

Wing Selection

The two commands Send Offensive Wing and Send Defensive Wing use this menu:

If you want ADS to pick the ships automatically, keep the Selection to auto. You can adjust the quantity by modifying Ship Count. If you want to pick the ships yourself, put Selection to manual and then select in the list which ships you want to send.

ads/standard_commands.txt · Last modified: 2014/04/26 13:25 (external edit)