After the Collapse relies on JSON formatted data files to store most of the data you'd want to change for a mod. JSON files are text files formatted in a machine readable way while still being relatively friendly to the human eye. Pretty much every single piece of data in the game can be dramatically altered modifying those files.
Bodies: Defines the sprites making an agent
EquipList: Equipment list (used in many places)
Needs: Definition files for needs (hunger, sleepiness, etc.)
Npc: Everything that can move and feature some form of AI (settlers, cars, mobs)
Trait: Traits, wounds, jobs and special effects
Main Categories
Clutter: Most on screen game objects (furniture, crafting stations, etc.)
Recipes: Recipes for crafting stations
Wall: Wall definition files
Zones: Information about zones and rooms
Ammo: Ammunition Information
Consumable: Items that can be consumed by agents (food, medicine)
Materials: The most basic items (material, clutter, valuable)
Seeds: Growing plants 101
Game Logic
Events: Specific events managed by the Event Handlers
Themes: Music and ambiance themes