Name Anarkis Defense System
Game X3:TC, X3:AP
Type Script
Version 2.65
Status Final


There is a lack of carrier related commands in the X-Universe series, and ADS tries to fill this hole. The script adds various commands for the M7, M1, TM and TL class ships to easily manage docked ships. You can easily rename, assign homebase to, and setup your docked fighters in a few clicks. You can also send offensive and defensive wings, clear a sector, or dock all your ships at once. Moreover, you can have fully automated carrier for your patrols, fighters will be repaired (if you hire mechanics) wings will be sent against foes automatically and warnings will be sent to the player when the carrier is in danger. Player owned Trading Stations, Equipment Docks and military outposts now have a real use as you can enable ADS on them to protect your sector from any enemy activity.

Since the 2.55 version of ADS, an advanced menu system has been included to easily manage and order around your ADS compatible ships and stations. This a very handy menu and it will save you from a lot of micromanagement when you have manage a big fleet.

This script is complementary to the M.A.R.S. (Motion Analysis Relay System) turret and drone script created by Gazz. Use both ADS:AutoCarrier and MARS:auto-collect-loot commands in a Xenon sector to see what I mean. ADS also allows to setup docked ships' turrets to MARS easily.


Most of ADS commands will need for your carrier to have the Carrier Command Software that is available in many equipment docks for a low price. These commands will only work on the following types of ship: M1, TL, M7 and TM. Stations that can run the ADS commands are the Military Outposts, the Trading Stations and Equipment Docks, meaning that you will now have a real reason to buy them.




1) Translated in English, French, German, Italian and Polish. Additional Language Files are more than welcome.

2) Included in the SuperBox package from Egosoft.